Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So here we are.....

The war is in the begining stages, the hackers are just begining to feel the assault fromVox and it's allies. They are no longer free to do as they please with impunity. Lead by V_De_Vendetta Vox has harrassed and harranged those it could uncover most of the weekend.

In addition there have been several other players online that have been joining the cause outside of Vox's influence. It sees this may be starting to catch on, and it is about time. No loger can the huddled masses hide behind the "What can we do about it?" defence. Vox is leading the charge, but the non-Voxers can aid in the battle as well...some useful tips...

1) Once you identify the hacker for watever reason add him to your ignore list as soon as possible. Check this list everytime you log on. If anyone from that list joins your game kick them right away, but be vigilant. These hacks can enter games they have been kicked from, so if you kick them start as soon as possible. I usually wait until the teams are unbalanced with the hacker being on the over staffed side, kik him and start imediatley. This usually works.

2) The above method will also work for those who kick the Host from the game, but if they seem to be too fast for you....make the game a forced rank game. They can't kick anyone from those games. You may not get the team you want, and the hacker may actually be in the game, but you get to play. If they are out of control...do not quit during either round, in SAB, TDM or RET. Quit during that period between rounds where everyone can re-asess the situation. If your entire team quits then, the game ends, and no one gets XP. So you may not get it, but the hacker is not rewarded for their cheating either.

3) There are folks out there that can kick people from forced rank games, these are few and far between, but they exist. If that is happening, then you are truly in trouble, especialy if it seems they want to do this to every game anyone starts. These people are very poor, sad individuals. They are the type you hear are never happy, and they cannot tolerate anyone else being happy either. SO they spend their Fridays nights not going out, and not hanging with friends, and not even paying the game. Instead they have nothing better to do than make others miserable. All you can realy do here is wait. They will either get bored or join a game soon enough. If you happen to notice a member of Vox is on, contact them they will help you out with their own strategy.

Well I hope this post has been helpful, and as always.......Viva Vox!!!!

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